
Does this look like farming for free labor to you? – Maybe get a job in the tech division if they find a suitable investment property.

This applicant, who wants a technical position at a real estate startup, is offered a position as an intern if they can find them a suitable investment property. They have to do so using project management methods, which they have no experience in. They are prohibited from asking people within the company for assistance. If their report is good enough, and if the property is a sound investment, the startup will purchase the property and the applicant may be offered the internship. If they fail, they get to come back in a year to reapply.

This applicant, who wants a technical position at a real estate startup, is offered a position as an intern if they can find them a suitable investment property. They have to do so using project management methods, which they have no experience in. They are prohibited from asking people within the company for assistance. If their report is good enough, and if the property is a sound investment, the startup will purchase the property and the applicant may be offered the internship. If they fail, they get to come back in a year to reapply.

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