
Does your work do something like this too?

I work at a grocery store. And my big store manager had a meeting with a couple of the employees. It was a regular meeting. Nothing special really. But then he started to brag about the company… He kept saying how employees saved millions of dollars, how the company is the best, how the company has the best benefits, yadee yada I'm thinking, most of the workers don't really get these benefits due to most of us being minimum wage employees, we hardly have time to go to your stupid events because we are overworked af because we are so understaffed, so we hardly get ANY benefits. We only save millions is because we are forced to shop there because it's that or walmart and we get 10% off of CERTAIN items, and you are basically taking money away from us anyways because it's going straight back towards you. And…

I work at a grocery store.

And my big store manager had a meeting with a couple of the employees. It was a regular meeting. Nothing special really.

But then he started to brag about the company…

He kept saying how employees saved millions of dollars, how the company is the best, how the company has the best benefits, yadee yada

I'm thinking, most of the workers don't really get these benefits due to most of us being minimum wage employees, we hardly have time to go to your stupid events because we are overworked af because we are so understaffed, so we hardly get ANY benefits.

We only save millions is because we are forced to shop there because it's that or walmart and we get 10% off of CERTAIN items, and you are basically taking money away from us anyways because it's going straight back towards you.

And you're basically bragging how you respect the workers, but only the ones who kiss your you know what. You treat the rest of us like dirt. Overworking us and not caring about health requirements. You make us do work that we didn't sign up for. And oh, you just fired a manager for no reason really and didn't even have the chance to defend himself.


Anyways, does your work think so high and mighty of itself but treat the employees like we are just your dogs meant to do your every bidding?

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