
Doing the absolute bare minimum today solely to keep myself occupied.

I work in a gasstation and my coworker called off today. Meaning I have to work by myself from 5-11:30 by myself. I don't get breaks I don't do my fucking job. Everyone's always complaining I'm lazy and do nothing, so I'm going to really show them what doing nothing looks like. I'm not worried at all about being fired (they hate giving out unemployment) I would honestly probably be happy about it.

I work in a gasstation and my coworker called off today. Meaning I have to work by myself from 5-11:30 by myself.

I don't get breaks I don't do my fucking job. Everyone's always complaining I'm lazy and do nothing, so I'm going to really show them what doing nothing looks like.

I'm not worried at all about being fired (they hate giving out unemployment) I would honestly probably be happy about it.

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