
“Domestic supply of infants”

They only see babies as products and future workers. The amount of human trafficking of migrant children and babies being sold to American families is insane. They don’t care for the children who are alive now and stuck in the foster care system and who will age out and be abandoned by the foster care system. They don’t care that that parents are working paycheck to paycheck to put food on the table for their kids. They don’t care that public schools are underfunded. They don’t care that kids are being bullied in schools. “Pro-life” is pro-birth and anti-woman.

They only see babies as products and future workers. The amount of human trafficking of migrant children and babies being sold to American families is insane. They don’t care for the children who are alive now and stuck in the foster care system and who will age out and be abandoned by the foster care system. They don’t care that that parents are working paycheck to paycheck to put food on the table for their kids. They don’t care that public schools are underfunded. They don’t care that kids are being bullied in schools. “Pro-life” is pro-birth and anti-woman.

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