
Don’t approve my vacation? I will call in sick.

Well, it’s actually not me, but my coworker, T. So I mentioned a while ago that my manager has now announced that only 2 people can take vacation at a time. It’s not first come first serve. It’s “can you justify?” My work is not shift work. For my team of 8, as long as we have 1 person to monitor the phone and team email, we are fine. So we can actually have 7 people taking time off and still function. Our previous manager (retired) had once approved everyone taking the last day of December while she worked. (We were overworked and only a team of 4 at the time too.) It was fine then. Most of us take Fridays off every few weeks because our company don’t allow us to take week-long vacation but vacation can’t carry over to next year. Fast forward to this week. My manager…

Well, it’s actually not me, but my coworker, T.

So I mentioned a while ago that my manager has now announced that only 2 people can take vacation at a time. It’s not first come first serve. It’s “can you justify?”

My work is not shift work. For my team of 8, as long as we have 1 person to monitor the phone and team email, we are fine. So we can actually have 7 people taking time off and still function. Our previous manager (retired) had once approved everyone taking the last day of December while she worked. (We were overworked and only a team of 4 at the time too.) It was fine then.

Most of us take Fridays off every few weeks because our company don’t allow us to take week-long vacation but vacation can’t carry over to next year.

Fast forward to this week. My manager had denied T his time off request because two people already requested time off.

What pisses us odd even more is: Manager herself is one of the weekenders. What’s her reason? She is manager level and she has 1 more week of vacation than us, so she “needs to take it off”. It’s July. She has plenty of time to spend the vacation even if she doesn’t use it now.

Basically, “you can’t take vacation because I’m taking vacation.”

Anyway, deny T’s vacation time? T called in sick anyway.

Well play, T. Well play.

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