
Don’t be fooled by companies paying for abortion travel.

While it might seem like a net positive that your mega-corp employers is on the right side of a social/political issue it furthers pushes the issue of employment based healthcare and is a further step away from universal care. This drives reliance on employment, gives more of a foothold to the corps (aka this is a benefit for working for us) and additionally a justification for raised wages by saying benefits increased across the board. Ask yourself whats in it for them? My answer? An insight into your privacy and an emotional anchor to your employment. The most disgusting part in my opinion is the fact that these companies will now require full disclosure of medical information and/or personal habits to justify if you qualify for this benefit. Not unlike some other equally disgusting bereavement requirements, but this will likely require an airing of your business very openly in your…

While it might seem like a net positive that your mega-corp employers is on the right side of a social/political issue it furthers pushes the issue of employment based healthcare and is a further step away from universal care. This drives reliance on employment, gives more of a foothold to the corps (aka this is a benefit for working for us) and additionally a justification for raised wages by saying benefits increased across the board. Ask yourself whats in it for them? My answer? An insight into your privacy and an emotional anchor to your employment.

The most disgusting part in my opinion is the fact that these companies will now require full disclosure of medical information and/or personal habits to justify if you qualify for this benefit. Not unlike some other equally disgusting bereavement requirements, but this will likely require an airing of your business very openly in your workplace. I can imagine a panel of people making these justifications and deciding if you qualify. Think of the number of people that will have to be consulted to approve and ensure payment for this benefit. To me it reeks of almost having to beg.

We already know that workplace ridicule and bullying happens. Now the worst of your co-workers will likely find out you had multiple days off and company funded abortion and I think we can understand how that could go. Worse is trying to get a promotion or move roles within a company and having a dissenting opinion from a hiring manager who will now find a reason not to promote/hire you. Dont think this will happen? We already know it does for any other number of reasons, why would this be any different.

I understand that it may be bridging the gap in this difficult time for many without other options, I just find it to be another way that our lives and privacy are invaded by having jumping through their corporate hoops because “we have no other choice”. I really hope that this is just me being cynical and wrong, but unfortunately as companies start this practice I'm sure we will start hearing the nightmares from people trying to utilize it. After all, we already hear horror stories for what should be common sense expectations like taking breaks, paying your wages, having water, and so on.

TLDR – It feels more like a step toward indentured servitude than an altruistic action by companies that.

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