
Don’t be fooled by the propaganda….

The TCRC, (Teamsters Canada Rail Conference) which represents (in this case) around 3,500 Conductors and Locomotive Engineers is being locked out as of 0001 Sunday March 20th. The big issues are the company, CP Rail, want to take away our rest clauses, and the ability to book off sick, or unfit for work, as well as completely change our pension plan. This is something very detrimental to everyone employed with CP. We have had a pension cap and freeze in place for 1 years. While the company has made literal billions in profits, and the pension is funded at 145%. While the Canada Revenue Agency has given the company a hiatus on contributions because the plan is so over funded, CP wants to cut our pension and claim that it isn't sustainable for future and current employees. They want to have it so we are at work more than home.…

The TCRC, (Teamsters Canada Rail Conference) which represents (in this case) around 3,500 Conductors and Locomotive Engineers is being locked out as of 0001 Sunday March 20th.

The big issues are the company, CP Rail, want to take away our rest clauses, and the ability to book off sick, or unfit for work, as well as completely change our pension plan. This is something very detrimental to everyone employed with CP.

We have had a pension cap and freeze in place for 1 years. While the company has made literal billions in profits, and the pension is funded at 145%. While the Canada Revenue Agency has given the company a hiatus on contributions because the plan is so over funded, CP wants to cut our pension and claim that it isn't sustainable for future and current employees.

They want to have it so we are at work more than home. They want us to give up our rest clauses in order to control us more.

THIS IS NOT ABOUT MONEY FOR US. We want a future. We want people who come after us to have a future. Spread this around. CP is locking us out to try and force us into a bad contract. We are fighting for everyone who is employed now, who will be employed in the future, and who is currently on pension.

The greed must stop. A 53% operating ratio isn't enough for the greedy CEO and shareholders.

Stand with us. We are Legion!

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