
don’t call me a burden if you don’t want me to REALLY drag you down

TA account bc a lot of my friends lurk here and if they think they're gonna find my main, they're gonna have to work harder! Same story you read here all the time – I worked hard, stayed late, smoothed over issues between management and PT staff. Had 10+ years of experience, 3 at this institution So of course I was shit on constantly. I knew it was time to leave when they told me I was being put on a performance improvement plan the day after I told my boss that my dad was in the hospital with renal failure (and a month after an above average performance review). Got the plan, it was total horseshit. My boss had been fucking up and was trying to blame me. I refused to sign it and provided rock solid evidence that none of the details listed were accurate. My boss replied,…

TA account bc a lot of my friends lurk here and if they think they're gonna find my main, they're gonna have to work harder!

Same story you read here all the time – I worked hard, stayed late, smoothed over issues between management and PT staff. Had 10+ years of experience, 3 at this institution So of course I was shit on constantly.

I knew it was time to leave when they told me I was being put on a performance improvement plan the day after I told my boss that my dad was in the hospital with renal failure (and a month after an above average performance review).

Got the plan, it was total horseshit. My boss had been fucking up and was trying to blame me. I refused to sign it and provided rock solid evidence that none of the details listed were accurate. My boss replied, “Ok we will work out the specifics, but you are a burden on the whole department.

An hour after that I was offered and accepted a job that pays $10k more per year at a company that has their shit together. Put in my 1.5 weeks, etc etc

They were surprised (idk why) but dispassionate. They were also insanely understaffed and only had two full time people to do the work of 24 (that is not a typo) part timers.

I have since referred two people to my new company from my old place. That means they've lost three staff in one month. I'm still sending my former colleagues job postings and I will until there aren't any good staff left to refer.

How's that for burdening a whole department?

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