
Don’t go above and beyond, even if you think your company is worth it.

I worked for what was a small company, we were all very close knit and actually like family. We all worked insane hours, 18hrs a day 7 days a week was the average at the start of COVID. Everyone was salaried so no OT or anything like that. I constantly justified this to myself and others because I believed in the company and wanted to do it. The company grew something like 300% on a shoestring budget thanks to all of us working so hard. All I felt was pride, right up until the company sold and new management was brought in. I was punished and discriminated against by my new boss for taking unpaid maternity leave. Among other things, I was laid off after returning. I'm currently in the process of suing them, lawyer says it's a cut and dry case. There is now a highly corporate environment that…

I worked for what was a small company, we were all very close knit and actually like family. We all worked insane hours, 18hrs a day 7 days a week was the average at the start of COVID. Everyone was salaried so no OT or anything like that. I constantly justified this to myself and others because I believed in the company and wanted to do it. The company grew something like 300% on a shoestring budget thanks to all of us working so hard. All I felt was pride, right up until the company sold and new management was brought in.

I was punished and discriminated against by my new boss for taking unpaid maternity leave. Among other things, I was laid off after returning. I'm currently in the process of suing them, lawyer says it's a cut and dry case. There is now a highly corporate environment that my former coworkers are struggling in, others have been let go or quit.

Tl;dr: Don't give your heart and soul to a company. Even if it feels worth it now, it can and will change.

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