
“Don’t hate me for this, but overheard B saying that when they make the next schedule she’s going to try and boot you out” okay bet

I've posted on here a few times, but here's the short of it: I'm an overnight housekeeper at a hospital, thrown onto this shift alone after being trained for 4 days, making minimum wage ($10/h) and no night differential. I don't mind my work. It's tolerable and I have a strong stomach. But my director is literally a nightmare: never in, doesn't tell me jack shit, and can't even get another employee to cover my shift without having another employee work doubles. I've accepted a summer job across the country (with intention to move into a nearby city once that's over) that pays $16/h, AND provides free housing. I haven't quit yet bc a.) My mom would yell at me, and b.) as shitty as it is, I appreciate the extra income Coworker I get along with told me my boss (B) was looking at “booting me from my shift”…

I've posted on here a few times, but here's the short of it: I'm an overnight housekeeper at a hospital, thrown onto this shift alone after being trained for 4 days, making minimum wage ($10/h) and no night differential.

I don't mind my work. It's tolerable and I have a strong stomach. But my director is literally a nightmare: never in, doesn't tell me jack shit, and can't even get another employee to cover my shift without having another employee work doubles.

I've accepted a summer job across the country (with intention to move into a nearby city once that's over) that pays $16/h, AND provides free housing. I haven't quit yet bc a.) My mom would yell at me, and b.) as shitty as it is, I appreciate the extra income

Coworker I get along with told me my boss (B) was looking at “booting me from my shift” (aka firing) after a different, boot licking coworker snitched to her about me moving.

Okay, bet.

Please do, I don't want to work with these shirts bosses and coworkers any more. Just fire me so I can collect unemployment, dogsit for my relatives, and relax until I leave.

Since I know she won't have the balls to say it to me in person, I dead ass will just respond with and immediately block her cell and office number.

If she somehow manages to say it to me in person, will just say “okay” and clock out on the spot.

If yall got any better responses to when I inevitably get fired, I would love to hear them.

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