
Dont know if this counts as antiwork but hear me out

My sister-in-law is a major workaholic, and i quote she said “if i stop working, i will die as if my heart stopped beating”. She has her own counselling/psychiatric office, so she makes sure to put extra effort into it, but things have gotten out of hand. She has 2 kids in school, but since she works all the time, everyone in school just laughs at her kids saying things like “haha the orphans are here, oh wait their mom just doesn't care about them hahaha” and when the kids are home and told the mom about this, she just shrugs it off saying they have to grow up and deal with it so she can focus on work. Same goes for family time, weekends? Work. Family outings? Work. Visiting grandparents? Work. When she notices my wife and i just working “normally” on our day jobs, she'll sometimes gives comments…

My sister-in-law is a major workaholic, and i quote she said “if i stop working, i will die as if my heart stopped beating”. She has her own counselling/psychiatric office, so she makes sure to put extra effort into it, but things have gotten out of hand.

She has 2 kids in school, but since she works all the time, everyone in school just laughs at her kids saying things like “haha the orphans are here, oh wait their mom just doesn't care about them hahaha” and when the kids are home and told the mom about this, she just shrugs it off saying they have to grow up and deal with it so she can focus on work. Same goes for family time, weekends? Work. Family outings? Work. Visiting grandparents? Work.

When she notices my wife and i just working “normally” on our day jobs, she'll sometimes gives comments like how we dont fight for our future or not working hard enough. But this is exactly why I'm so anti work. It drains the living shit out of you. So focused on work you're neglecting all your other responsibilities, so focused on work you dont even exist in other's eyes. Just for what? A mere 40k a year?? If your whole life is just work and you're just making 40k a year, you've done something really wrong in your life.

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