
Don’t know what to do

So I've had a torn labrum in my right shoulder since 2009. I'm currently a service manager at my job and I've re aggravated the injury twice in the past 4 Months. I finally got the MRI and arthrogram but it can't be reviewed by a doctor for 2 weeks. My company considers me working until then to be a liability. But if I don't work by next Monday I'm automatically fired by the computer

So I've had a torn labrum in my right shoulder since 2009. I'm currently a service manager at my job and I've re aggravated the injury twice in the past 4 Months. I finally got the MRI and arthrogram but it can't be reviewed by a doctor for 2 weeks. My company considers me working until then to be a liability. But if I don't work by next Monday I'm automatically fired by the computer

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