
Don’t Let Employers Push You Around!

I quit a toxic job for a better one with better pay. Upon getting my final paycheck today, they had deducted $600 for “PTO owed.” In my state that’s illegal to do unless you have prior permission from the employee. I emailed them a screenshot of the law and they issued me a check on the spot. My point is, employers will do anything thinking you don’t know your rights and will just let them do it. A lot of the times they can get away with it, (in the US anyway due to laws being biased toward the employer) but make sure you have researched or asked someone or anything before you let them get away with it. Don’t go down without a fight. Anyway. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Good luck out there.

I quit a toxic job for a better one with better pay. Upon getting my final paycheck today, they had deducted $600 for “PTO owed.” In my state that’s illegal to do unless you have prior permission from the employee. I emailed them a screenshot of the law and they issued me a check on the spot.

My point is, employers will do anything thinking you don’t know your rights and will just let them do it. A lot of the times they can get away with it, (in the US anyway due to laws being biased toward the employer) but make sure you have researched or asked someone or anything before you let them get away with it. Don’t go down without a fight. Anyway. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Good luck out there.

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