
Don’t work for your childhood friends. AMA

The immediate context is I let a couple ex-coworkers that I respect and am friends with know about positions that were open in the company I moved to and it got back to my previous employer. abbreviated backstory is: I went to work with a friend's family business. I trusted them and thought I knew them quite well. Suffice to say things did not end well, I was fired after putting in my 2-week notice to quit. AMA

The immediate context is I let a couple ex-coworkers that I respect and am friends with know about positions that were open in the company I moved to and it got back to my previous employer.

abbreviated backstory is: I went to work with a friend's family business. I trusted them and thought I knew them quite well. Suffice to say things did not end well, I was fired after putting in my 2-week notice to quit.


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