
Double it or I walk

Last year my boss left and they put me in charge of a 60 person site. It came with a 10% bump in salary to manage everything. When I voiced an interest in the position they said, “You need years of mentoring.” But I guess I am good enough to cover for it now? Nearly 7 months later they found someone a replacement. One of the first acts the company did when they found him was cut my 10% bump. The boss started looking at the books and seeing we were making money hand over fist because of short staff, and that I had not had a proper pay evaluation in 4 years. He requested the eval and GUESS WHO IS UNDERPAID?! Now other workers have left and I’m covering for a full other position… instead of being ‘the good worker’ I got HR on my side and submitted forms…

Last year my boss left and they put me in charge of a 60 person site. It came with a 10% bump in salary to manage everything. When I voiced an interest in the position they said, “You need years of mentoring.” But I guess I am good enough to cover for it now?

Nearly 7 months later they found someone a replacement. One of the first acts the company did when they found him was cut my 10% bump. The boss started looking at the books and seeing we were making money hand over fist because of short staff, and that I had not had a proper pay evaluation in 4 years. He requested the eval and GUESS WHO IS UNDERPAID?!

Now other workers have left and I’m covering for a full other position… instead of being ‘the good worker’ I got HR on my side and submitted forms to double my pay since I’m carrying two jobs. “It’s not about the hours you work but the work you do.” If they don’t pay, I have another job lined up and leave with all the knowledge.

Fight for what your worth, they will never give it to you because you deserve it.

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