
Draconian work metrics and standards.

I work customer service for Verizon. Verizon's had a history of being unable to keep people because they grind them to dust very quickly. I know, story of American workforce. But with Verizon, they digitally track every second, I mean every second of your day and make you answer for it. And it seems like there's no thought behind it either. To give you the picture I take almost double the calls as everyone else per day, I never have to transfer to other departments and I don't need a supervisors help, ever. I don't put customers on hold and j get the job done. I show up on time and don't leave early. But what Verizon simply CANNOT abide is my “conformance”. That's time you're supposed to be on the phones vs time you aren't. The company is currently on the brink of the collapse because I take a…

I work customer service for Verizon. Verizon's had a history of being unable to keep people because they grind them to dust very quickly. I know, story of American workforce. But with Verizon, they digitally track every second, I mean every second of your day and make you answer for it. And it seems like there's no thought behind it either. To give you the picture I take almost double the calls as everyone else per day, I never have to transfer to other departments and I don't need a supervisors help, ever. I don't put customers on hold and j get the job done. I show up on time and don't leave early. But what Verizon simply CANNOT abide is my “conformance”. That's time you're supposed to be on the phones vs time you aren't. The company is currently on the brink of the collapse because I take a grand total of 15 minutes on average per day of unscheduled personal time. Mind you I work TEN HOUR DAYS. And I am currently “under review” for termination. I just don't understand the reasoning here. And of course if you even think “union” they fire you immediately.

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