
dreams do come true. Got a mysterious check for 6K from my soul-sucking retail job I left a year ago.

I guess they failed some sort of 'health ordinance'? I looked into it and seems to be about health care coverage but it really could have been about anything… they did so much illegal stuff: took our water away, so under-staffed we didn't get breaks, added more responsibilities without extra compensation, just ridiculous stuff!! I started to complain about the water so much they basically fired me. I left that job a year ago and never looked back. I got a text from a co-worker group I'm in touch with, making jokes about our PTSD, and she said she got a check. Another checks her mailbox, she got one too. I rush home, BAM, there it is. I open it and my hands start shaking and I scream. 6K!!!! It might not be much to some people, but I really needed it. All those years of suffering really paid off……

I guess they failed some sort of 'health ordinance'? I looked into it and seems to be about health care coverage but it really could have been about anything… they did so much illegal stuff: took our water away, so under-staffed we didn't get breaks, added more responsibilities without extra compensation, just ridiculous stuff!! I started to complain about the water so much they basically fired me. I left that job a year ago and never looked back. I got a text from a co-worker group I'm in touch with, making jokes about our PTSD, and she said she got a check. Another checks her mailbox, she got one too. I rush home, BAM, there it is. I open it and my hands start shaking and I scream. 6K!!!! It might not be much to some people, but I really needed it. All those years of suffering really paid off… I thought I'd just pat myself on the back for the life experience and move on, but my old manager gave me a ring after we all found out we got checks and said “WE. FUCKING. WON.”

Dreams really do come true. Damn karma, you had my back this time…

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