
Dress codes suck the life out of working

I work at a large loungewear store with nationwide locations and I love it for the most part. My coworkers are super nice and our manager is super understanding but corporate just recently changed our dress code and it fucking sucks so bad. Now we can ONLY wear white or black, when we use to be able to at least wear what we sold. Plus we can no longer wear any jeans… this after the last policy said any jeans we did wear had to be from either of our sister locations where they are about $60-100. I literally bought clothes from our store because I thought they would be nice work clothes. Now i’m stuck wearing old black formal pants that barely fit because i can’t afford new ones and have to recycle the same two outfits because i don’t own anything just black and white. It’s just so…

I work at a large loungewear store with nationwide locations and I love it for the most part. My coworkers are super nice and our manager is super understanding but corporate just recently changed our dress code and it fucking sucks so bad. Now we can ONLY wear white or black, when we use to be able to at least wear what we sold. Plus we can no longer wear any jeans… this after the last policy said any jeans we did wear had to be from either of our sister locations where they are about $60-100. I literally bought clothes from our store because I thought they would be nice work clothes. Now i’m stuck wearing old black formal pants that barely fit because i can’t afford new ones and have to recycle the same two outfits because i don’t own anything just black and white. It’s just so stupid for them to change these things so massively on a dime.

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