
Dropping a promotion?

At my work I’ve been “training” to move up from supervisor to management. I have taken over the position for a week or two here and there when one of the actual positions was off and the weeks went fine. I just finished covering for 2 weeks and it went terrible. Pretty sure I had either a panic attack or some sort of mental breakdown due to the job stress on Tuesday and have since recovered for the most part. I think the reason being my brain just won’t be able to do the part? Give “orders” make moves and what not. Pretty sure it’s some sort of mental thing going on that’s undiagnosed but it feels like a waste to lose this promotion chance. I’ll be honest, only reason I was getting the promotion was the money. I don’t care about the future of the company but stepping up…

At my work I’ve been “training” to move up from supervisor to management. I have taken over the position for a week or two here and there when one of the actual positions was off and the weeks went fine. I just finished covering for 2 weeks and it went terrible. Pretty sure I had either a panic attack or some sort of mental breakdown due to the job stress on Tuesday and have since recovered for the most part. I think the reason being my brain just won’t be able to do the part? Give “orders” make moves and what not. Pretty sure it’s some sort of mental thing going on that’s undiagnosed but it feels like a waste to lose this promotion chance.
I’ll be honest, only reason I was getting the promotion was the money. I don’t care about the future of the company but stepping up to manager will mean that if my area does bad (very much did these last two weeks) it’ll affect me directly. Don’t know if I could handle being bad at something.

TL;DR: I guess my question is should I drop this promotion that will bring me from $46,800 Salary to $75K salary because I don’t think I’m able to do the job?

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