
dude ghosted his job for 3 months

So back in 2007 I took a job as an IT contractor in Iraq. It was actually my 2nd time doing it, so I knew what to expect. One thing that surprised me was how every level of management was stressing a requirement to do a daily “check in” call, as well as a check in with the customer every day. We had 28 locations scattered across Iraq, and often 1 or 2 guys would travel between 4 or 5 camps as needed. Turns out one guy was responsible for 4 camps (call them A through D). Well this guy had gotten to Camp A, hated it and went to the airport and flew home. But for 3 months he filed email reports back to HQ, and if Camp A reported a problem, he would say he was at Camp B and would get to A as soon as he…

So back in 2007 I took a job as an IT contractor in Iraq. It was actually my 2nd time doing it, so I knew what to expect. One thing that surprised me was how every level of management was stressing a requirement to do a daily “check in” call, as well as a check in with the customer every day. We had 28 locations scattered across Iraq, and often 1 or 2 guys would travel between 4 or 5 camps as needed. Turns out one guy was responsible for 4 camps (call them A through D). Well this guy had gotten to Camp A, hated it and went to the airport and flew home. But for 3 months he filed email reports back to HQ, and if Camp A reported a problem, he would say he was at Camp B and would get to A as soon as he could, Camp B has a problem, sorry, stuck at Camp C. Got paid close to $50k to chill on his couch. I heard the company tried to go after him for his wages, but he file bankruptcy and they didn't get any of it back.

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