
Earlier post

So I posted earlier about my experience at an over time shift today, and I think I deleted it out of paranoia of being doxxed. Was a pretty specific comment to make and im not sure who at work is a redditor blah blah, but one thing that I want to remind all of us: recording laws. The cameras in our pockets are one of the most powerful tools we have to fight back against the bs of this system. If you're state is a one party consent state, record your interactions with the volatile managers and coworkers. Record everything, take notes, we have to be putting pressure on them as much as possible to continue tipping scales in our favor.

So I posted earlier about my experience at an over time shift today, and I think I deleted it out of paranoia of being doxxed. Was a pretty specific comment to make and im not sure who at work is a redditor blah blah, but one thing that I want to remind all of us: recording laws. The cameras in our pockets are one of the most powerful tools we have to fight back against the bs of this system. If you're state is a one party consent state, record your interactions with the volatile managers and coworkers. Record everything, take notes, we have to be putting pressure on them as much as possible to continue tipping scales in our favor.

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