
Eastern Service Workers Association. (ESWA) Potential warning / seeking advice.

Yesterday I had a run-in with a group called the Eastern Service Workers Association, and they seemed like a promising opportunity to get involved in organizing workers in my community. I was initially a bit thrown off by their assertion that they are not a labor union. They stated that there are other ways to organize than unions, so I filed that away in the back of my mind to figure out what they meant later on. Since yesterday, I've been doing some reading up on them and their possible connection to a group called The National Labor Federation. (NATLFED) This is or was an organization which organized through setting up front groups nationwide. They have been widely accused of being a cult, or cult-like, by both former members and people outside the org. Initially, I thought this accusation may have been simple Red Scare propaganda, but upon further reading…

Yesterday I had a run-in with a group called the Eastern Service Workers Association, and they seemed like a promising opportunity to get involved in organizing workers in my community. I was initially a bit thrown off by their assertion that they are not a labor union. They stated that there are other ways to organize than unions, so I filed that away in the back of my mind to figure out what they meant later on.

Since yesterday, I've been doing some reading up on them and their possible connection to a group called The National Labor Federation. (NATLFED) This is or was an organization which organized through setting up front groups nationwide. They have been widely accused of being a cult, or cult-like, by both former members and people outside the org. Initially, I thought this accusation may have been simple Red Scare propaganda, but upon further reading it seems to be fairly well substantiated.

Of particular interest/concern to me is that the NATLFED also is not a labor union, presenting itself as an alternative to them. Both organizations place a large emphasis on bringing in volunteers from the labor force to work for them in canvassing neighborhoods, making phone calls, and other extracurricular activities on their free time from work. To me, this seems to run counter to the fact that workers are already being exploited and worked to the bone in this economy. This could be a misunderstanding on my part, however.

TLDR, I just wanted to find out more information about ESWA from anyone who may know more than I do – as well as send out a potential warning to anyone else who may have had a run-in with them recently.

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