
Employed at a company for 5 years, just received a $36 raise per paycheck.

Most people wouldn't complain about getting a raise. Last year after I got the 1% yearly standard inflation raise that everyone gets, I told my boss a salary amount I want to receive. He said that I 'could' be up for a senior title that would bump me up to the amount I wished for. Fast forward a year to today and I get the 1% standard inflation raise, plus an additional 1.5% raise. It totals to an increase of $36 per paycheck(bi-monthly). I feel like this is a slap in the face. I haven't had my yearly review with my boss to see if I had received the senior title yet. But since I just saw the low raise this morning I have been completely discouraged and do not have it in me to do a bit of work. I don't want to go to my review for my…

Most people wouldn't complain about getting a raise. Last year after I got the 1% yearly standard inflation raise that everyone gets, I told my boss a salary amount I want to receive. He said that I 'could' be up for a senior title that would bump me up to the amount I wished for. Fast forward a year to today and I get the 1% standard inflation raise, plus an additional 1.5% raise. It totals to an increase of $36 per paycheck(bi-monthly). I feel like this is a slap in the face. I haven't had my yearly review with my boss to see if I had received the senior title yet. But since I just saw the low raise this morning I have been completely discouraged and do not have it in me to do a bit of work. I don't want to go to my review for my boss to say I 'could' have a senior title next year along with the salary amount I wished for last year again. I feel burnt out, discouraged, and that all my hard work is pointless. With this low raise I doubt I'll be getting the senior title. When I have my review I want to be professional about the raise being shit and how I don't want to be promised a title that I won't get just to keep me hopeful. But I honestly just want to quit right now.

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