
Employed people applying for jobs “for the cause”

I see a ton of posts here about people with comfortable stable jobs applying for other jobs or talking to recruiters solely so they can stand up to companies with shady hiring practices or whatever reasons. I get it, you’re in a position where you don’t need to beg for a job so you can be more blunt and call them out. Rad. BUT aren’t y’all in reality just flooding the market with resumes and making it harder for the unemployed to get through?

I see a ton of posts here about people with comfortable stable jobs applying for other jobs or talking to recruiters solely so they can stand up to companies with shady hiring practices or whatever reasons. I get it, you’re in a position where you don’t need to beg for a job so you can be more blunt and call them out. Rad.

BUT aren’t y’all in reality just flooding the market with resumes and making it harder for the unemployed to get through?

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