
Employee demanding doctor’s note for my callout and will “speak to me further tomorrow”

title typo *Employer throwaway for personal reasons I moved states on Feb 2nd and was hired as a cashier selling donated goods at a store I won't name (rhymes with woodmill) – started working on Thurs Feb 17th. There's no insurance or benefits that I've been informed of or offered. I received a text from my boss this morning that she's requiring a doctor's note for my callout today. I've had two callouts – one because my roommates tested COVID positive and I had to go and get tested and unfortunately was only able to get it done during an hour I would have otherwise been at work mon-sat (9:30am-6pm shift). I take the bus to and from work so I leave at around 8:30am and get home after 7pm. The second time is today, I've felt nauseous and overall unwell since yesterday likely due to lack of food and…

title typo *Employer

throwaway for personal reasons

I moved states on Feb 2nd and was hired as a cashier selling donated goods at a store I won't name (rhymes with woodmill) – started working on Thurs Feb 17th. There's no insurance or benefits that I've been informed of or offered. I received a text from my boss this morning that she's requiring a doctor's note for my callout today. I've had two callouts – one because my roommates tested COVID positive and I had to go and get tested and unfortunately was only able to get it done during an hour I would have otherwise been at work mon-sat (9:30am-6pm shift). I take the bus to and from work so I leave at around 8:30am and get home after 7pm.

The second time is today, I've felt nauseous and overall unwell since yesterday likely due to lack of food and water because I live in a shared apartment with a roommate that eats my food I buy and last night, threw all of my wet clothes out of the washer to do his laundry he has neglected for the last three weeks or so. So I did not have anything clean for today either. I'm trying my best to budget with what I have but it just felt impossible to show up to work today given every circumstance. Many mornings I leave for work feeling lightheaded and like garbage but today just felt like too much.

I am also already regularly harassed at work by customers and older men with “good morning beautiful” etc have been grabbed and inappropriately commented on. This job is already incredibly mentally taxing and I don't have the time or money or see a doctor or set up a PCP. I'm not sure how to even do any of that either.

I'm just frustrated and would like any sort of advice or just a shoulder for the situation. Do I just hold out til I find a new job? They are incredibly understaffed and I genuinely am growing to enjoy the company of my coworkers so far but I'm unsure I'd be able to continue working here with the hours and environment.

For background I'm 18 and have about six months of overall job and retail experience, no ties to parents or family or any safety net otherwise. I left my previous state to get farther away from an abusive home situation and have been on my own my for almost a year. This job is, like most, at-will and so I fear I could likely be fired for this.

Any links to subs or further resources? Or just thoughts and advice if any

tl;dr boss asking for doctor's note but i have no insurance or doctor and i hate my job

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