
Employer basically threatened to switch me to hourly from salary after I took a sick day…

I had to take an unexpected sick day and the day after I can back in my boss pulled me in for a short meeting. They told me that they were not happy about me using my sick time so quickly, in their words “you accrue sick time and then use it right after” For context I’ve had a lot of major sicknesses/illnesses and we accrue sick time really slowly at my work (roughly 1 day for every 2 months worked). I also suffer from mental illness so sometimes I take a sick day to recoup during rough times. They then said “if this continues to happen then we’re going to have to look into switching you to hourly” …I just feel so done. On one hand I can sympathize with them, they don’t want to have an employee that is unexpectedly sick too often. But I also can’t blame…

I had to take an unexpected sick day and the day after I can back in my boss pulled me in for a short meeting. They told me that they were not happy about me using my sick time so quickly, in their words “you accrue sick time and then use it right after”

For context I’ve had a lot of major sicknesses/illnesses and we accrue sick time really slowly at my work (roughly 1 day for every 2 months worked). I also suffer from mental illness so sometimes I take a sick day to recoup during rough times.

They then said “if this continues to happen then we’re going to have to look into switching you to hourly” …I just feel so done.

On one hand I can sympathize with them, they don’t want to have an employee that is unexpectedly sick too often. But I also can’t blame myself either for being sick, it’s human and it happens.
But it also feels like a big slap in the face to hear that I can’t use my sick time when I accrue it…isn’t it mine to use at my discretion?
Based on what they said, it almost sounds like “even thought you’ve accrued time I don’t care that you’re sick or not feeling well because it’s not a benefit to the company and you have to put the company before yourself or else we’ll punish you for taking care of yourself.”

Anyways thanks for letting me vent.

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