
Employer ghosts after job offer and interview

So I’m 19 and living with my parents. I’ve been dealing with mental and physical health issues that don’t qualify for disability and because of this I’ve been unemployed for going on a year now. Needless to say, it’s been incredibly difficult getting my foot in the door anywhere, even the most obvious of places, so I recently applied for an overnight position at a local gym. After about a month of waiting to hear back I get a call for an interview the next day, and obviously agree and show up about 15 minutes early. Queue an hour long wait (manager shows up 50 minutes after agreed time) and after a quick interview I’m offered the job and told that my onboarding will be emailed to me as I text the manager about my completion. Easy. So once I complete the first document, I text the boss and ask…

So I’m 19 and living with my parents. I’ve been dealing with mental and physical health issues that don’t qualify for disability and because of this I’ve been unemployed for going on a year now. Needless to say, it’s been incredibly difficult getting my foot in the door anywhere, even the most obvious of places, so I recently applied for an overnight position at a local gym. After about a month of waiting to hear back I get a call for an interview the next day, and obviously agree and show up about 15 minutes early. Queue an hour long wait (manager shows up 50 minutes after agreed time) and after a quick interview I’m offered the job and told that my onboarding will be emailed to me as I text the manager about my completion. Easy. So once I complete the first document, I text the boss and ask for the rest. Then crickets. Now going on a week of hearing nothing back, I have no motivation to call the business back after having texted the manager’s cell over and over, but I’m still being pressured by my family to reach out. All this to ask, what would you do? Would it be worth it to continue pursuing employment at a company that seems to have no real intention of hiring me?

TL;DR: company ghosts me after offering me a job and I cannot decide whether it’d be worth it to continue to reach out

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