
Employer (Govt) posting vacant positions at more money then current employees are making!

I’m in utter disbelief of how ridiculously stupid my employer is. I work in higher Ed and have been with this employer for almost 2 decades. We are losing everyone, people are fed up and there are tons of places hiring. There are around 15 of us with the same job title and duties. Vacant jobs in our position are now being posted for $5K more then what many of us make (I make more but only because I’ve worked there so long). Those of us left went to HR and asked why they are posting our exact same job at a higher wage. They said “they are trying to be competitive and to attract applicants.” The wage posted is fair but those of us still working should I get raises to reflect. It’s so dirty and wrong. Isn’t it pretty common sense that it costs more money to train…

I’m in utter disbelief of how ridiculously stupid my employer is. I work in higher Ed and have been with this employer for almost 2 decades. We are losing everyone, people are fed up and there are tons of places hiring. There are around 15 of us with the same job title and duties. Vacant jobs in our position are now being posted for $5K more then what many of us make (I make more but only because I’ve worked there so long). Those of us left went to HR and asked why they are posting our exact same job at a higher wage. They said “they are trying to be competitive and to attract applicants.” The wage posted is fair but those of us still working should I get raises to reflect. It’s so dirty and wrong. Isn’t it pretty common sense that it costs more money to train new employees then to retain them?
I’m actively searching for a new job. I am going to call in sick for a week, put my notice in and then cash out my vacation leave.

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