
employer hasn’t been paying me

It's been a month now. The fist week they told me they will handle it ASAP and I'll receive my pay at the end of the week. I said 'sure no problem, these things happen'. I have been in contact with them on a daily basis every week and it's now been a month. I have bills to pay and my landlord is already threatening to kick me out. He's always on a bad mood these days because his daughter has become disabled after an accident. So anyways, I've been busting my back at work. I always work hard and they kept promising me every week that I will receive my pay any moment. So far nothing, so about an hour ago, I went in when I called them. I mean, I've been patient and respectful for too long, this time, I kept an assertive tone and confronting them with…

It's been a month now. The fist week they told me they will handle it ASAP and I'll receive my pay at the end of the week. I said 'sure no problem, these things happen'. I have been in contact with them on a daily basis every week and it's now been a month. I have bills to pay and my landlord is already threatening to kick me out. He's always on a bad mood these days because his daughter has become disabled after an accident.

So anyways, I've been busting my back at work. I always work hard and they kept promising me every week that I will receive my pay any moment. So far nothing, so about an hour ago, I went in when I called them. I mean, I've been patient and respectful for too long, this time, I kept an assertive tone and confronting them with their false promises. The lady on the phone suddenly got excited and told me with a loud tone that I shouldn't raise my voice. Like what the fuck! I didn't raise my voice at all! She basically said that I should stop whining about my pay and that they will no longer keep me employed. Now I'm left with a traumatised landlord that will be knocking on my door any second because I promised him to get his money today after they kept giving me false promises. I was staring at the wall for an hour before I started typing this…. pray for me

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