
Employer life insurance seems wrong

My mother passed away and the life insurance that the employer is providing is not (what I understand to be the standards) 1 years salary. My understanding is that normal is between 1-3 years salary. They are saying it is not even half of one years salary… they are saying it is 1/6th of 1 years salary.. This would put my father out of his house.. I’m just wondering if people have encountered this before?

My mother passed away and the life insurance that the employer is providing is not (what I understand to be the standards) 1 years salary. My understanding is that normal is between 1-3 years salary.

They are saying it is not even half of one years salary… they are saying it is 1/6th of 1 years salary..

This would put my father out of his house.. I’m just wondering if people have encountered this before?

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