
Employer might shut down and lay me off.

So I work for a company that recently expanded into my state (a year ago) and now they are closing sites in different parts of the country. No word about if they will close us down yet. A bunch of my coworkers quit and we are majorly shortstaffed. I am kind of willing to stick it out cause I like the hours and the work isn't difficult. What would other people do in my situation? Would you start looking for another job? Would you wait until they close and give a severance? I started less than 2 months ago and I don't want to get another job so soon…But I will if I have to.

So I work for a company that recently expanded into my state (a year ago) and now they are closing sites in different parts of the country. No word about if they will close us down yet. A bunch of my coworkers quit and we are majorly shortstaffed. I am kind of willing to stick it out cause I like the hours and the work isn't difficult. What would other people do in my situation? Would you start looking for another job? Would you wait until they close and give a severance? I started less than 2 months ago and I don't want to get another job so soon…But I will if I have to.

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