
employer of 3 years ghosted me after i had to take an emergency personal leave to go to residential ED treatment

let me preface by saying this happened in july of 2020, so i’ve since gotten a new job i’m just curious what the legality of this is….TLDR at bottoms i worked at a popular vegan restaurant chain (one that is ran by a cult i might add) as a full-time server for a little over 3 years, i started there my junior year of high school. i was lead server, had a very close relationship with both my manager and my co-workers, and i never once showed up late or suddenly called out. my manager and i even followed each other on instagram lol. the last year i was there i developed an eating disorder. i was a healthy weight to begin with but quickly dropped weight, to whom my manager actually complimented my weight loss on! towards the end of my time there i lost about a very significant…

let me preface by saying this happened in july of 2020, so i’ve since gotten a new job i’m just curious what the legality of this is….TLDR at bottoms

i worked at a popular vegan restaurant chain (one that is ran by a cult i might add) as a full-time server for a little over 3 years, i started there my junior year of high school. i was lead server, had a very close relationship with both my manager and my co-workers, and i never once showed up late or suddenly called out. my manager and i even followed each other on instagram lol.

the last year i was there i developed an eating disorder. i was a healthy weight to begin with but quickly dropped weight, to whom my manager actually complimented my weight loss on! towards the end of my time there i lost about a very significant amount of weight and was severely underweight due to health concerns i had to urgently leave for emergency ED treatment for 4-6 weeks. i also had to switch to a vegetarian diet because for obvious reasons they don’t allow you to eat vegan while there.

i told both my managers and thought they would understand since i was in such bad health and i had such a close personal relationship with them. but nope! they immediately tried convincing me NOT to go and telling me how i’d benefit way more from just scheduling an appointment with a local vegan dietician..,,i tried explaining the severity of this but i do not think they understood; they started sending me links to local vegan “doctors” for me to contact for the next couple days until i left.

i ended up leaving treatment after only 6 days because it was too difficult. of course i texted my manager right away. no response. then again. no response. and then i was just never put back on schedule ever, with no reasoning or termination paperwork.

i am a very anxious person and hate confrontation so i never tried going to the restaurant itself to talk to them or calling them. i got unemployment but that was also because it was covid times so i didn’t have to file for any specific reasoning. i knew they also had ghosted rather than fired at least 2 previous employees, but both of them had only been working there less than 3 months. i was very hurt they treated me like this when i had worked there so long and was promoted to lead server….

i’m just wondering what is the legality around this? since i didn’t sign any paperwork or anything documenting my termination is there any benefit to them having me still listed as an employee? i’ve always been curious about this but just never looked it up.

also i should note that this specific international vegan restaurant chain is ran by a cult in which their “supreme master” gets cult members to drain their savings and open up vegan restaurants to help spread their message, so pretty much all of them are not trained in restaurant operating or managing. i will clarify that it’s not a “bad” cult, more of one that’s goal is peace i guess?

TLDR ; got ghosted by an employer of 3 years because i had to go to emergency eating disorder treatment due to my health. came back after 6 days and was never scheduled again, didn’t sign anything or given a reason regarding termination

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