
Employer says I can’t use my phone at the time clock to set a timer

I stuggle to remember when I clocked out for lunch and was constantly coming back like a few minutes late. They never confronted me personally about it, but we had meetings about it. So I decided to start pulling my phone out and setting a timer when for 29 minutes for when I need to head back. Another associate was doing the same and when I was going to lunch, they were coming back from lunch and mentioned they were just wrote up for setting a timer on their phone. Is there any excuse I can give them or say to tell them to shove it up their ass, because I either com back from lunch late or I set a timer. By the time I get to the breakroom, I've already forgot to set one.

I stuggle to remember when I clocked out for lunch and was constantly coming back like a few minutes late. They never confronted me personally about it, but we had meetings about it. So I decided to start pulling my phone out and setting a timer when for 29 minutes for when I need to head back. Another associate was doing the same and when I was going to lunch, they were coming back from lunch and mentioned they were just wrote up for setting a timer on their phone.

Is there any excuse I can give them or say to tell them to shove it up their ass, because I either com back from lunch late or I set a timer. By the time I get to the breakroom, I've already forgot to set one.

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