
Employer yelled at me for a dumb reason

This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I have worked here for a year, just shy of it really. Let me begin by saying that I can get over things quickly, but these are instances that are ridiculous even for this profession. I took one day off due to my father having a literal heart attack. I had to give notification a day or so prior. I was asked whether I would be taking the “entire day off”. I told them yes. I wasn't going to go to and from the hospital just for fun and go to work like nothing. The following day, I actually had work to do and my employer literally gave me a bs assignment, knowing full-well I'm not in the mental headspace to be reading 40 pages on top of all the ACTUAL work that I have. I knew had I gone in to…

This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I have worked here for a year, just shy of it really. Let me begin by saying that I can get over things quickly, but these are instances that are ridiculous even for this profession. I took one day off due to my father having a literal heart attack. I had to give notification a day or so prior. I was asked whether I would be taking the “entire day off”. I told them yes. I wasn't going to go to and from the hospital just for fun and go to work like nothing. The following day, I actually had work to do and my employer literally gave me a bs assignment, knowing full-well I'm not in the mental headspace to be reading 40 pages on top of all the ACTUAL work that I have. I knew had I gone in to work they would have had nothing for me to do. It's a super slow office.

In another instance I got up to go to the bathroom. (I work in an office and someone else could have answered the phone), when I returned I was yelled at for an unattended phone. I'm literally supposed to notify like I'm in kindergarten that I have to pee. Not to mention most of these calls are solicitors.

There was an instance where my mother called me for approx. 4 min. I have the screenshot. My mother never calls me during work hours unless it's something urgent or can be done in 2 min flat. So, my mother calls me and I answer, then my boss walks in and yells at me for being on the phone. I told her the truth and that the call was 4 min and that I was translating for 2 min. I was done. She immediately pointed at me and raised her voice “no personal calls!!!”. I have seen this woman take several personal calls and come in late or not even show up at all. She didn't come into work yesterday and complained to my OTHER boss ALL day about me. He actually complained to me TWICE about her little meltdown. I even showed HIM the screenshot. My boss SENT an email that she said I IGNORED HER BY CONTINUING THE CALL. I did not, all I said was “I have to go, bye mom” in Spanish. Her Spanish is poor, but everyone knows what “bye” means. She said I broke company policy on that email. My other boss also said he was unaware of that policy, and that he takes personal calls in his office too. My other coworker takes personal phone calls on the WORK phone and no one tells her anything. Everyone has to take personal calls at some point. We have to have the door opened at ALL times, she hates closed doors, but yes, hers is always closed and locked.

Another instance I was asked to do overtime. THEY DO NOT PAY IT. 100% THE DOL would have a field day. They rather let me leave early than pay it. On one occasion they did pay me overtime, but they made sure to tell me it was because I was 20 min overtime due to my being slow.

On another occasion, I took a day off. Everything was fine, A WEEK AFTER they complained that I took the day off. What?

I have a coworker whose sibling just passed away and they asked whether it would be affecting her output, also whether she would be out too long.

My other coworker is consistently late. I made it a habit to write down the times when she enters. In the time I have worked there she has been on time TWICE. She shows up 30 min to an hour late every day. She lives nearby (5 min) so there is really no excuse.

I got reprimanded over an email that I made TONS of errors. The errors were literally “certificate ;” instead of “certificate;”. Then I fix it and then they complain I'm wasting paper. Never mind, the document is anywhere between 500-1000+ pages. This person, mind you is given 4+ months to do something while I did the work of 3 people within the week. I have emails that prove it.

I translated roughly 40 pages. They rather use me as a translator, cool that's easy, but they charge the client $150 per page and yes, I see none of that money. Billable hours, right?

During a conversation my employer called me dumb or that I have no ability to retain this information. I explained to her there is no training for this job and that I'm given an example and that I follow it, and then she goes THE EXAMPLE DOESN'T APPLY! So then I ask her what am I supposed to do? “ASK QUESTIONS!” I do ask questions and then they go “can't you read?”.

On several occasions they contradict themselves. One person wants this changed – this causes me to make the corresponding changes, then the other person says “I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO DO THAT, CHANGE IT BACK!”. Then they tell me again, I'm wasting paper.

I do not have to prove my intelligence. I ruined the curve in college 3 times. I have essays that were used as examples for future students. I even wrote a novel while in school. I have asked several times for actual training and they just expect perfection with no consistent pay for that output. They have even applauded me because of how good I am in the things I studied for. I excel in that, but that semicolon pissed them off that essentially I'm considered dumb at work.

So, I have plenty of reasons to quit this job. I don't take days off for a dentist or for a headache like my employer does.

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