
Employers, you aren’t the only game in town anymore.

I'm sure employers of all kinds are watching this sub by now. So let me break it down for you. I have been striving to understand all aspects of this great resignation. Covid is certainly a catalyst of change, but the real truth is businesses are failing miserably to realize their competition. Entry level jobs with entry level pay like fast food are no longer just competing with each other. You are also competing with Ebay, Fivr, YouTube, tiktok, Etsy, TeeSpring and a thousand other ways people can earn $1500 – $2500 a month. There is also a chance their channel or brand goes viral and makes them millions. Your jobs offer no such future. But it is even MORE than that. They can do it comfortably from home. They can do these other things as they feel inspired to do so, not in a rigid militant schedule. They can…

I'm sure employers of all kinds are watching this sub by now. So let me break it down for you. I have been striving to understand all aspects of this great resignation. Covid is certainly a catalyst of change, but the real truth is businesses are failing miserably to realize their competition.

Entry level jobs with entry level pay like fast food are no longer just competing with each other. You are also competing with Ebay, Fivr, YouTube, tiktok, Etsy, TeeSpring and a thousand other ways people can earn $1500 – $2500 a month. There is also a chance their channel or brand goes viral and makes them millions. Your jobs offer no such future.

But it is even MORE than that. They can do it comfortably from home. They can do these other things as they feel inspired to do so, not in a rigid militant schedule. They can be creative. They don't get yelled at, told how to dress, or made to feel worthless. They don't have to put up with sexual harassment, racism, nepotism or other illegal BS that employees can't afford to fight legally.

Middle-aged company owners may not get it, but this new generation is MORE interested in creating their own original brand, than helping you with yours, especially under slave conditions. There are no more gatekeepers to content creation and the cost of entry is cheap. So rework your business model, and start expecting to pay at least $30/hr to pull people away from their own enterprising endeavors. Best of luck.

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