
Employment pay help (NZ)

Hi all. Throwaway account as don't want identified yet. I'm after some legal advice over a role change. I'll explain as much as I can without giving too much away hopefully. The NZ company I'm with is going through a restructure started at the beginning of this year. As it started HR communicated out that due to cost of living an immediate 2% would be added to wages with further remuneration updates 2-3 months later, with some roles getting backpay (all good so far). The restructure is still on going and so is the remuneration issue 7 months later. During this period our roles were assessed and pay was to be brought in line with market pay. My former boss had recommended me for the top of the band. Also during this time a new role appeared within the same company which interested me in another team. So I applied…

Hi all. Throwaway account as don't want identified yet.

I'm after some legal advice over a role change. I'll explain as much as I can without giving too much away hopefully. The NZ company I'm with is going through a restructure started at the beginning of this year. As it started HR communicated out that due to cost of living an immediate 2% would be added to wages with further remuneration updates 2-3 months later, with some roles getting backpay (all good so far). The restructure is still on going and so is the remuneration issue 7 months later.

During this period our roles were assessed and pay was to be brought in line with market pay. My former boss had recommended me for the top of the band.

Also during this time a new role appeared within the same company which interested me in another team. So I applied and got it, with pay rise negotiated slightly above what my former role was allowed. During the handover period HR got approval for my former roles team to get pay rises.

Now is where it goes downhill. All of my former team get payrises with back pay of 2 months at the new level of remuneration. I officially start my new role within that period and so technically am still in my former team for 1 month. However due to me moving role they said I'm ineligible for the 1 month backpay. It really looks like they forgot to include me because they thought it wouldn't affect me.

So my question is do I have any legal leg to stand on? To me I do since I've seen the recommendation that was sent by my former boss and I've been the highest output worker for my old team. I took on extra roles, covered shortfalls in staffing etc. They also want me to continue covering my old role while doing my new role. I was fine with an extended handover period while being treated fairly. But now I'm wondering if I should do a mini work to rule by only doing the role I'm being paid for. My issue with that is it won't hurt HR but my former team mates. Alternatively seek to be double paid since I'm doing 2 roles, which appears likely to be ongoing till March next year.

Any help appreciated.

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