
Encourage Unions/Workers Rights Through Online Reviews

I recommend everyone post simple messages encouraging unionization and working conditions on online reviews. This is especially important for large companies such as Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks, Target, etc. Use an account under a different name if you have to. Remember, while an individual post will do little, if you we collaborate, we are poised to make a change! Please upvote!, it is important that this reaches the most people as possible!

I recommend everyone post simple messages encouraging unionization and working conditions on online reviews. This is especially important for large companies such as Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks, Target, etc. Use an account under a different name if you have to.
Remember, while an individual post will do little, if you we collaborate, we are poised to make a change!

Please upvote!, it is important that this reaches the most people as possible!

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