

I've seen too many posts here complaining about streamers, OF users, and whatever else. We're not the problem because we break back for our money too. It's not easy to entertain enough to turn a profit. The problem is the monsters hoarding 6 or 7 or 8 figures of wealth off of the backs of people at our level. The problem is the legislators who let this world become this way. We're on the same page as you even if a different part of it. Me? I'm a warehouse worker. I'm a repair tech for Ashley Furniture trying to get at least a foothold of a career online. I've done and do both. I turn no profit from streaming and I know I won't until I have at least a few hundred or thousand people interested. I am not the problem. Gonna leave this if anyone wants to support.

I've seen too many posts here complaining about streamers, OF users, and whatever else. We're not the problem because we break back for our money too. It's not easy to entertain enough to turn a profit.

The problem is the monsters hoarding 6 or 7 or 8 figures of wealth off of the backs of people at our level. The problem is the legislators who let this world become this way. We're on the same page as you even if a different part of it.

Me? I'm a warehouse worker. I'm a repair tech for Ashley Furniture trying to get at least a foothold of a career online.

I've done and do both. I turn no profit from streaming and I know I won't until I have at least a few hundred or thousand people interested. I am not the problem.

Gonna leave this if anyone wants to support.

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