
Equal Pay – experience question

Entry level employees at my job don't frequently discuss pay together but it isn't uncommon for us to exchange info when, say, a new person comes on and they ask how much we made after X amount of time in the job or after they receive additional credentials or training the company offers. I have always felt like we are paid fairly compared to other daycares I know of through friends and there is also the ability to take on more responsibilities for an extra raise which is somewhat unique because in order for me to truly “move up” is by having a specific license that requires a college degree and passing certification. Last week one of our brand new employees (new this month) shared to a group of us that he makes the same as he did at his previous company but feels like the expectations here are lower…

Entry level employees at my job don't frequently discuss pay together but it isn't uncommon for us to exchange info when, say, a new person comes on and they ask how much we made after X amount of time in the job or after they receive additional credentials or training the company offers. I have always felt like we are paid fairly compared to other daycares I know of through friends and there is also the ability to take on more responsibilities for an extra raise which is somewhat unique because in order for me to truly “move up” is by having a specific license that requires a college degree and passing certification.

Last week one of our brand new employees (new this month) shared to a group of us that he makes the same as he did at his previous company but feels like the expectations here are lower and more manageable. I think he meant this as a compliment to our employer. However, the amount he's making (that he was hired at, $32/hr) is higher than anyone else in that conversation (I am at $30/h, hired at $21). When I asked my direct supervisor about it she said that he was hired at that rate due to his experience and “inflation”. We both have 2.5 years in this field but all of my 2.5 years have been here at this place whereas his experience has been at several different places.

I feel like I'm being told that the experience I have is less valuable because I got that experience at this place. I get the value in having experience in multiple places or whatever but I just feel this. I am often put in charge of the class when the teacher is out and I am expected to help train new people which is not something they'd entrust a new person to do regardless of experience bc I am training them on company-specific expectations. I also have completed two optional trainings that I was given a pay bump for when I passed.

So, first- should I expect that I should have been given more of a raise “because inflation” at my annual performance review this year? Second, if our raises are always percentage based how can I ever make more than new people if the entry wage for new people keeps rising?

And just venting here but I also feel embarrassed now bc I felt like my peers, especially the ones I trained myself, looked at me as a leader and now they know I make the same amount as them and less than this new guy.

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