
Every hiring red flag

I have been applying to a few jobs over the past month in logistics primarily. At the insistence of my significant other, I did some research on a company that I had an interview this week (i normally do). I took a look a their website. Screamed institutionalisation and cult-like language. Thought let's see what they are like in real person. Well, from the title you could guess. They had said absolutely everything on here from all the horror stories. From “we're a family here” to “don't want people just after a paycheck”. One thing that I noticed was after the interviewer talked up the company then laid out the above, I noticed one major thing. Not once did the interviewer mention anything of a benefit in any way. Nothing to entice me wanting to work there. If I get a call back, I will laugh and promptly reject their…

I have been applying to a few jobs over the past month in logistics primarily. At the insistence of my significant other, I did some research on a company that I had an interview this week (i normally do). I took a look a their website. Screamed institutionalisation and cult-like language. Thought let's see what they are like in real person. Well, from the title you could guess.

They had said absolutely everything on here from all the horror stories. From “we're a family here” to “don't want people just after a paycheck”. One thing that I noticed was after the interviewer talked up the company then laid out the above, I noticed one major thing. Not once did the interviewer mention anything of a benefit in any way. Nothing to entice me wanting to work there.

If I get a call back, I will laugh and promptly reject their offer. Of the things that were said, I found the “pay check” thing was insulting and showed an extreme lack of professionalism.

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