
Every single company could be not for profit. No company requires a CEO, or a board, or shareholders. Anything privatized can and should be employee owned.

Don’t get me wrong, I know the massive impediment to this gestures at tax law, entire corporate stock and investment system but I think this is a primary step to place in the public mind: investors, board members, CEO’s are the biggest waste of money and leech of the value produced by labor in any company. Major decisions can be made by the workers and designated representatives among them. The profit and value saved by eliminating the unproductive top heavy senior leadership in a company should go to the workers who produce the value. And EVEN THEN those workers should be represented by their own union of course. The question is how do we popularize the idea that eliminating CEO’s saves companies money other than the obvious fact that it would? What would be even one step to start restructuring and reclaiming our own labor from the investor class while…

Don’t get me wrong, I know the massive impediment to this gestures at tax law, entire corporate stock and investment system but I think this is a primary step to place in the public mind: investors, board members, CEO’s are the biggest waste of money and leech of the value produced by labor in any company. Major decisions can be made by the workers and designated representatives among them. The profit and value saved by eliminating the unproductive top heavy senior leadership in a company should go to the workers who produce the value. And EVEN THEN those workers should be represented by their own union of course.

The question is how do we popularize the idea that eliminating CEO’s saves companies money other than the obvious fact that it would?

What would be even one step to start restructuring and reclaiming our own labor from the investor class while preventing a ‘buyout’ when the void of leadership is created?

Does it require an organizational attempt on the part of employees to buy up voting shares of their own company stock?

Where do you even get the capital to do that? Is that even anathema to the purpose? I think it would be.

I’m curious if there’s any books on the modern theory around working people using methods like this and others to reclaim the value of their labor from capitalist investor classes and their agents.

Go easy on my here if my theory is off. Looking for resources and literature to learn and ideas of how working people can organize long term.

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