
Everyone I work with is being exploited and they don’t even realize or care because we’re in a “creative field” and it’s driving me up a wall

I work in theatre tech and everyone I work with is constantly bleeding themselves dry taking on every single opportunity that is handed to them and literally working off the clock to make good impressions to their bosses. I had to convince a group of coworkers today that getting enough sleep was more important than putting up a fucking set well before designer run and I got laughed at. I feel like I’m never going to be able to find a job with a livable wage, and neither are they because everyone is drooling over scraps and employers are more than willing to exploit that. Yes I get to literally paint for work which is fun don’t get me wrong but I’m doing a really skilled labor set and I’m making poverty wages. I want to join my local IATSE union but they are only available to 5 theaters in…

I work in theatre tech and everyone I work with is constantly bleeding themselves dry taking on every single opportunity that is handed to them and literally working off the clock to make good impressions to their bosses. I had to convince a group of coworkers today that getting enough sleep was more important than putting up a fucking set well before designer run and I got laughed at. I feel like I’m never going to be able to find a job with a livable wage, and neither are they because everyone is drooling over scraps and employers are more than willing to exploit that. Yes I get to literally paint for work which is fun don’t get me wrong but I’m doing a really skilled labor set and I’m making poverty wages. I want to join my local IATSE union but they are only available to 5 theaters in my area and those theaters only book weeks in advance which is absolutely insane to me.

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