
Everyone values the work I do, but don’t want to pay me for it.

I can't go into a lot of details because things are still ongoing, but I just need a kind of vent. I'm in a position where my boss, their boss, and also their boss have all expressly told me that the work that I do is appreciated and valued and recognize the work that I do. They offered to promote me to a higher level version of my position, but HR caps the amount that they can offer me for that position. The cap is less than what I would make if I just waited for my normal evaluation this year. It just seems really short-sighted that their solution is to promote me and basically short change me in the process. They have a known valued employee (I've had excellent performance reviews the entire time I've been there), yet they would rather I walk out the door to somebody that's…

I can't go into a lot of details because things are still ongoing, but I just need a kind of vent.

I'm in a position where my boss, their boss, and also their boss have all expressly told me that the work that I do is appreciated and valued and recognize the work that I do. They offered to promote me to a higher level version of my position, but HR caps the amount that they can offer me for that position. The cap is less than what I would make if I just waited for my normal evaluation this year.

It just seems really short-sighted that their solution is to promote me and basically short change me in the process. They have a known valued employee (I've had excellent performance reviews the entire time I've been there), yet they would rather I walk out the door to somebody that's going to pay me what I'm worth rather than keeping me on board. It just doesn't make any sense to me especially when we are already short-staffed. You would think they'd want to keep me rather than putting all of their projects in jeopardy.

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