
Ex-boss still trying to find ways to mess with me

I’d decided I’d had enough of this last job a while back, and had started looking for something new with no luck yet. My boss had started to show her true colors and was a narcissistic egotistical bitch. I never caused any outright problems, I was very professional in how I addressed everything. I still met all quotas and deliverables. I just wasn’t drinking company koolaid. Well, a few weeks ago I was let go due to “lack of engagement”. I’ve applied for unemployment, and it’s still pending. Why? Because waiting for employer validation. They haven’t filled it out. Now, randomly several weeks later I get a check for the ONE DAY I WORKED IN AUGUST. I was supposed to be paid this immediately, but no, now I have to report this to unemployment and it’s likely it’ll cause more delays and back dates. Maybe it won’t affect anything, that…

I’d decided I’d had enough of this last job a while back, and had started looking for something new with no luck yet. My boss had started to show her true colors and was a narcissistic egotistical bitch.

I never caused any outright problems, I was very professional in how I addressed everything. I still met all quotas and deliverables. I just wasn’t drinking company koolaid. Well, a few weeks ago I was let go due to “lack of engagement”.

I’ve applied for unemployment, and it’s still pending. Why? Because waiting for employer validation. They haven’t filled it out. Now, randomly several weeks later I get a check for the ONE DAY I WORKED IN AUGUST. I was supposed to be paid this immediately, but no, now I have to report this to unemployment and it’s likely it’ll cause more delays and back dates.

Maybe it won’t affect anything, that would be nice, but still. I did nothing but good for your company and because I refuse to sacrifice my sanity and didn’t give in to your petty drama.

I refuse. The universe has better things in store. I hate working for the gain of others but I’ve got dreams of my own that need funding.

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