
Ex-bosses still want FREE exit interview 25 days AFTER I quit!

ā€‹ Following up on my first post: Twenty-five glorious days after I quit, I suddenly receive an email from an even higher up in my ex-company with the nerve to ask for feedback “without having to pay for it”, while trying to milk some long-expired 'previous professional relationship's goodwill. I cannot actually describe how deliciously satisfying it was to write that final reply email. Remember: they never valued you when they shafted you at work. They don't deserve your feedback and sure as shit don't deserve your time. Don't worry about getting a reference letter from companies like this. They're as worthless as their fluffy emails.


Following up on my first post:

Twenty-five glorious days after I quit, I suddenly receive an email from an even higher up in my ex-company with the nerve to ask for feedback “without having to pay for it”, while trying to milk some long-expired 'previous professional relationship's goodwill.

I cannot actually describe how deliciously satisfying it was to write that final reply email. Remember: they never valued you when they shafted you at work. They don't deserve your feedback and sure as shit don't deserve your time. Don't worry about getting a reference letter from companies like this. They're as worthless as their fluffy emails.

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