
Examples of cruel treatment on your job(s)

Worked at the corporate office of Fuelman. There were 5 women and 4 men who worked in that office. My immediate supervisor was a woman near my age. She called me a little sh*t then she made a racist remark about my (then) husband. One day all the men were away, my supervisor told me to go with her into the conference room. All the women were seated around the table. My supervisor announced that nobody liked me and invited each woman to tell me what was wrong with me. Only one lady passed saying she couldn't say anything. I kept telling myself “I will not cry in front of them”, but I did. That job did not last long after that. What is your story?

Worked at the corporate office of Fuelman. There were 5 women and 4 men who worked in that office. My immediate supervisor was a woman near my age. She called me a little sh*t then she made a racist remark about my (then) husband. One day all the men were away, my supervisor told me to go with her into the conference room. All the women were seated around the table. My supervisor announced that nobody liked me and invited each woman to tell me what was wrong with me. Only one lady passed saying she couldn't say anything. I kept telling myself “I will not cry in front of them”, but I did. That job did not last long after that.

What is your story?

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