
“Excellent Communication Skills”

How is it that every job posting I see lists “excellent communication skills” yet every time I apply for a job I don’t get an acknowledgment, or even go through interviews only to be ghosted. How awesome is it that I just get to assume I didn’t get the role because I haven’t heard from you in over a week, and when I do touch base I get an automated email saying they regretfully inform me that I was not selected. Practice what you preach for goodness sakes and at least have the decency to inform me that I was passed on. So frustrating and demoralizing.

How is it that every job posting I see lists “excellent communication skills” yet every time I apply for a job I don’t get an acknowledgment, or even go through interviews only to be ghosted. How awesome is it that I just get to assume I didn’t get the role because I haven’t heard from you in over a week, and when I do touch base I get an automated email saying they regretfully inform me that I was not selected.

Practice what you preach for goodness sakes and at least have the decency to inform me that I was passed on. So frustrating and demoralizing.

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