
F uhaul, especially positions that have direct contact with the marketing president

In all honesty I’ve never been at my lowest and it’s because of this company and what they put me through. There was a job opening for Area field manager, 5 hours away, got the job, found a nice place close to it And me and my wife made the move. Was told I’d create my own hours and get ample training as Uhaul was new to me. 1.Two months in, literally only learned the basics, basically had to teach myself everything, I’d make a small mistake, marketing company president (mcp) would basically scold me even though he promised day one I’d get full in depth training. 2. I joined in with my area having absolutely terrible driver license and hook up photo stats, literally 2nd month and was getting threatened by mcp with my job that my stats weren’t good, focused in on it and was able to increase…

In all honesty I’ve never been at my lowest and it’s because of this company and what they put me through. There was a job opening for Area field manager, 5 hours away, got the job, found a nice place close to it And me and my wife made the move. Was told I’d create my own hours and get ample training as Uhaul was new to me. 1.Two months in, literally only learned the basics, basically had to teach myself everything, I’d make a small mistake, marketing company president (mcp) would basically scold me even though he promised day one I’d get full in depth training. 2. I joined in with my area having absolutely terrible driver license and hook up photo stats, literally 2nd month and was getting threatened by mcp with my job that my stats weren’t good, focused in on it and was able to increase both by third month (highest they’ve been in over a year) 3. I’m Muslim, I don’t celebrate Christmas, mcp advised us to take December 23,24 off since Christmas was on weekend, personally messaged him in advance asking for 27 and 28 instead since I don’t celebrate and my anniversary is 27 so I’d prefer that, he had no issue, even told us we can have New Year’s Eve off. Layer on, was placed under gvt mandated quarantine for a random covid test at boarder, was literally told I can’t leave home until results. Contact mcp and notified him, he had no problem. Still did all my work (that I could from home) and even got my wife to drop off stuff at my dealers, mcp even approved pay for that week ( was week right before Christmas), 4. December passes and now mcp starts complaining about my time off and how he never takes time off and that I shouldn’t have had all that time (note it was govt mandated and other three days were pre approved by him), I’d start my days at 9 am at times, would get scolded by mcp with him stating he starts at 7 . 5. Two weeks ago on Friday, I had a long day, finished at 7, had my family come over didn’t get to see them in ages, mcp calls at 7:30 stating there is a face book ad of a guy selling a few uhaul blankets, he told me to go to his house and get them back, he said he had dinner plans, I told him the house is an hour away and I already finished with my day, and had family over. He got angry. Literally came in to work monday, did inventory on truck, mcp called me to his office and fired me stating that I took too much time off in December and didn’t retrieve blankets and that I missed a phone call from a dealer (missed three calls cuz I was driving, called dealer right after and handled situation). I’m just upset because I was a good afm, all my dealers liked me, of all the other afms in our mco, after December, I stayed highest in commissions, highest in profit, increased stats on all aspects, 2nd highest with dealer open ups, and just got fired without notice from a micro managing mcp. Now I feel like a failure, how am I supposed to support my wife , we gotta go back to our home town now, I’m trying my best to stay positive but it’s just so hard (by the way I literally have receipts of everything) ty for listening to my ted talk

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