
Fair Compensation?

Hi, so I have been at my company for 10 months now, and make a good salary for my first job out of college. ($55k) Yesterday, I find out another one of my team members is quitting (he got another job). He has a senior title in the role I’m in currently, but I will be taking over his work and am being trained on all his tasks right now. Which means I will have to get better at my job (makes sense). My boss calls me an hour after my team member let everyone know he has put in his notice. She beats around the bush and finally tells me she is giving me a raise. A 2% raise… about $45 more per paycheck. My former coworker, he was my team’s lead before he quit 2 weeks ago, asks me to call him to check up on me since…

Hi, so I have been at my company for 10 months now, and make a good salary for my first job out of college. ($55k)

Yesterday, I find out another one of my team members is quitting (he got another job). He has a senior title in the role I’m in currently, but I will be taking over his work and am being trained on all his tasks right now. Which means I will have to get better at my job (makes sense).

My boss calls me an hour after my team member let everyone know he has put in his notice. She beats around the bush and finally tells me she is giving me a raise.

A 2% raise… about $45 more per paycheck.

My former coworker, he was my team’s lead before he quit 2 weeks ago, asks me to call him to check up on me since he left. I tell him about the raise because he fought for my raise before he left. After finding out they are only giving me 2%, he told me to fight for a higher raise. With inflation rates right now, a 2% raise is almost insulting and I am also going to be doing senior-level work so I also did not think 2% was fair.

I am NOT asking for a $20k pay raise (the senior I am taking over for makes $75k). I just think that if I am being required to do senior-level work
and still being responsible for my current tasks I should be given fair compensation.

Is it fair to ask for a higher raise? How do I approach this especially when my boss hates me? What have you guys done in the past in these situations?


**Also my boss hates me. She told my former lead she did not think I deserved a raise because I was still making mistakes 8 months into my job. Another coworker (now lead) on my team complains about me to my boss, but now that almost half the team quit they kind of need me.

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