
Fair work question – Queensland

I’ve been trying to find out online if this is legal, basically I had an argument with my Manager yesterday on the phone, not so much an argument as he started to raise his voice at me so I just hung up on him, today he has called me into the office and told me that if “my attitude “ gets out of hand again he will expect my resignation, otherwise I would be getting a written warning. I just laughed and said no worries mate. For context I am a manager of 25 people myself, so I’m not a kid or an apprentice (not that it should matter) But I was not offered any HR rep, or union Rep ect for our little meeting, what should I do ?

I’ve been trying to find out online if this is legal, basically I had an argument with my Manager yesterday on the phone, not so much an argument as he started to raise his voice at me so I just hung up on him, today he has called me into the office and told me that if “my attitude “ gets out of hand again he will expect my resignation, otherwise I would be getting a written warning.
I just laughed and said no worries mate.
For context I am a manager of 25 people myself, so I’m not a kid or an apprentice (not that it should matter)
But I was not offered any HR rep, or union Rep ect for our little meeting, what should I do ?

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